Monday, July 30, 2007

Hellraiser: Deader (2005)

Director: Rick Bota

Writer: Clive Barker, Neal Marshall Stevens, Tim Day

Tagline: The Latest. Most Terrifying Evil.

Actors: Kari Wuhrer, Paul Rhys, Simon Kunz, Marc Warren, Georgina Rylance, Doug Bradley, Ionut Chermenski

Runtime: 1h 28m

Category: Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller

Synopsis: Amy Klein is a star reporter for the London Underground newspaper. Her boss has received a tape of a group of cultists supposedly bringing people back from the dead. He sends her to Burcharest, Germany to investigate and get the story. She discovers that the girl who sent the tape is dead and pries the puzzle box from her cold, dead fingers. Later in her hotel room, Amy opens the puzzle box and releases the Deadites. The rest of her journey is more of a horrific nightmare than an investigation. Ultimately becoming one of the “deaders”, she soon realizes just how important she is…and where her destiny truly lies.

Review: There just aren’t words. I had to put aside my better judgment and watch this movie. Mainly so I can finally finish this damn series; of which has gotten so drawn-out it lacks description. I am getting very tired of other directors trying to cash-in on the Hellraiser success by putting together debacles like this. This is not going to be good…

The story was really, really loose. It was somewhat confusing and had almost nothing to do with Hellraiser at all. The only thing in the movie that pertained to the original stories was the Deadites. And even that was underplayed. Plus, the story really didn’t make much sense. Some guy has figured out how to become dead without being dead…or alive? Come on…that’s so gay! It’s gayer than gay. It has a gayosity that is beyond gayness. And then, it wasn’t even explained properly; Pinhead just kinda shows up out of nowhere and kills the leader of the deaders, giving almost no reasonable explanation as to the purpose of his little visit. They should have stopped a long time ago.

The acting was not all that bad. I began to care less and less about the acting ability, or lack thereof, and began to focus more on what two people Kari Wuhrer reminded me of. I came to the conclusion that she is the adorable bastard child of Ashley Judd and Angelina Jolie. The rest of the acting was just blah. But Kari Wuhrer did an excellent job; she played her character very well, convincing me of her every emotion.

The gore and effects, apart from the end scene, were boring and elementary. This is a new low for the Hellraiser series; less gore…more boobs. I was disappointed, just like most of the others. I thought that the blood looked real enough and its use was well executed, but you can’t have a Hellraiser flick without the trademark torture. I couldn’t even categorize it as torture this time…sad…just sad.

Rating: 6. Story sucked, acting was simple and child-like (except for Kari Wuhrer), and the gore was minimal. Taking into account that this is part of a lineage of bloody, gory, torture movies, it was a major disappointment. I would not advise anyone to see this movie; as a Hellraiser or otherwise. (6of25).

***DO NOT***

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