Monday, July 30, 2007

The Hitcher (2007)

Director: Dave Meyers

Writer: Eric Red, Jake Wade Wall, Eric Bernt

Tagline: Never pick up strangers.

Actors: Sean Bean, Sophia Bush, Zachary Knighton, Neal McDonough, Kyle Davis, Skip O'Brien, Travis Schuldt, Danny Bolero, Jeffrey Hutchinson, Yara Martinez, Lauren Cohn

Category: Killer, Torture

Synopsis: During a trip through New Mexico to visit friends, Jim and Gracie almost hit a hitchhiker during a rainstorm. But, instead of giving the man a ride, the pair get spooked and leave him on the side of the road. They eventually come across the man again at a nearby gas station. After an uncomfortable exchange the pair of travelers is coaxed into giving the mysterious "John Ryder" a lift to a nearby motel. Soon after, things get dangerous as the mystery man takes the young couple on a gruesome journey of murder and terror that they will never forget.

Review: First of all, I have to say that this movie inspires no fear whatsoever; there was no art or pride taken in instilling fear in the viewer. For the most part it felt like a drawn-out music video. But, I guess that’s what you get when you hire a popular music video director to direct a horror movie.

The acting wasn't really impressive on any level either, Jim came off as a useless moron, Gracie went from being a scared secondary to a hardcore lead, and I still don't understand the motivations of the killer...he just seemed bored throughout the whole movie. I think the movie would've only been thirty minutes long if someone had put a bullet through this idiot’s skull early on.

It astounds me that this guy walks into a police station and kills everyone and no one fires off a single shot. NO ONE FIRED OFF A SINGLE SHOT!! HOW INEPT ARE THESE FREAKIN' COPS!?!?!!? It's amazing that they wrote this crap thinking it would come off as believable, this idiot killed four cars full of police and the pilot of a police helicopter during a high speed chase while driving a convertible, and none of those idiots could stop him!!

You would think the end of the movie would be all bullets and action but, noooo! He was killed by a chick with a shotgun! My God! This movie made my butt itch!

Rating: 4 of 25. A four is about as fair as I get for pungent crap such as this; I swear, I've pooped scarier things during chili night. I'm admittedly a fairly twisted individual and, I could come up with a scarier child’s cartoon!!

If it were up to me the movie would've lasted long enough for me to kick this idiot out of my car and back over his stupid ass...the credits would've been rolling with my maniacal laughter in the background!

I seriously want Cage to post a "do not watch this movie" banner on this bastard. This movie is all hat and no cattle...and, if there ever were cattle, they were smart enough to leave a long time ago! (4of25).

***Do Not***
***Watch This Movie***

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