Sunday, July 29, 2007

Planet Terror (2007): Argument II

Director: Robert Rodriguez

Writer: Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino

Tagline: Fully Loaded.

Actors: Cherry Darling, El Wray, Dr. William Block, Dr. Dakota Block, J.T. Hague, Sheriff Hague, Rebel Rodriguez, Bruce Willis, Naveen Andrews, Julio Oscar, Stacy “Fergie” Ferguson, Nicky Katt, Hung Nguyen, Tom Savini, Carlos Gallardo, Skip Reissig, Electra Avellan, Elise Avellan, Quentin Tarantino, Greg Kelly, Michael Parks, Jerili Romero, Felix Sabates

Runtime: 1h 20m

Category: Outbreak, Zombie

Synopsis: A secret rendezvous between the military and a foreign biochemical coalition goes wrong when a canister containing a deadly gas is accidentally released into the air, turning anyone who breaths it into a flesh-starved zombie! Meanwhile, a go-go dancer by the name of Cherry Darling has quit her job and bumps into her old boyfriend El Wray, at a local diner. As many other stories become intertwined, what ensues is an all-out war between a handful of survivors and the hungry undead.

Review: I was exceedingly impressed with this movie. I thought that it was gonna be hard to follow given the sheer amount of storylines present. But I was pleasantly surprised to see them all entangle into a tapestry of bloody horror.

The main story of Cherry and El Wray was a bit confusing, along with the addition of so many other stories. But I enjoyed each story individually as well as the main one; the doctor and his wife, the military and the foreign biochemists, the sheriff and his brother. At first it seemed a bit much to take on so many stories but Rodriguez did a wonderful job. The main reason I am rebutting Big Daddy’s review is because although the reviews he submitted to me were very well done, they lacked emphasis on certain criteria of which helps expand my objectivity.

The gore was better than most movies I have seen lately. With the festering boils and rotting flesh of the undead minions, I was very impressed. I thoroughly enjoyed watching, and even laughing at this movie almost all the way though. From almost beginning to end this movie is a bloodbath of mucus-ridden, puss-swelling ghouls determined to seek out and devour all who still live.

The acting was, needles to say, a bit cheesy. But one must remember that these movies were meant to be reminiscent of the movies played in the Grind Houses of the 70’s and 80’s. This means including cheesy acting and all. But even though the acting was “cheesy”, most all actors hit the proverbial nail right on the proverbial head, giving way to a well produced zombie flick suggestive to the old ways but still not loosing sight of new and better ways of producing gore.

Rating: 23. The only reason I didn’t rate it higher is because I would have liked to see some back story on El Wray. I think that a two and a half minute flashback or explanation as to why he is banned from using firearms in that county would have done nicely. But I must say that this may actually go down as one of my top ten favorite zombie movie to date. ZOMBIES RULE!! Bite bite bite…(23of25).

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