Monday, July 30, 2007

Zombie Honeymoon (2004)

Director: David Gebroe

Writer: David Gebroe

Tagline: In sickness and in health.

Actors: Tracy Coogan, Graham Sibley, Tonya Cornelisse, David M. Wallace, Neal Jones

Runtime: 1h 23m

Category: Zombie

Synopsis: Denise and Danny have just gotten married and are off to their honeymoon. They make it to an uncle’s house close to the beach and settle in. That day, while on the beach, Denise sees a man walking out of the ocean right for them. The man is badly decomposed and waterlogged flops himself down onto Danny and spews blood into Danny’s mouth. Danny is rushed to the hospital were he is pronounced legally dead for ten minutes. Sitting up in his gurney, like awaking from a nap or something, he is discharged and sent home. But things are not well.

Coming home from grocery shopping, Denise finds Danny in the bathtub…eating a local jogger! She freaks and runs outside. She ends up staying because she loves him and has agreed to love him until death (ironic). Their friends end up stopping buy and with an unfortunate accident (yeah right) Danny bites his buddy…Buddy. Buddy’s girlfriend Nikki flips out (rightfully so) and heads for the police station. When the police show up Danny is ready and waiting…and hungry. He takes out a handful of people before turning his sights on his wife Denise! Can true love prevail even when your true love is a zombie?

Review: I have been waiting to do this movie for so long. I was so excited when I picked it up from Blockbuster I could barely control my sphincter! Then I got it home and waited until the baby fell asleep then popped it into my DVD player. I wish I could say that it lived up to expectation (mine specifically) but I think I expected too much. I thought I was in for a Resident Evil (2002) meets…well…a honeymoon. But I was surprised, in a good way, how they went about the story.

The story was a lot different than I had anticipated. Instead of the average zombie movie where some one is bitten by a rogue zombie and infects the neighborhood, and eventually the city, I was treated with a new concept of zombies. This new concept defies all zombie laws except one: where the undead can infect some one by bodily fluids, i.e. blood. But the people bitten don’t come back and the rate of progression of zombie traits are stunted dramatically. I’m not saying this is bad, on the contrary, I enjoy a new viewpoint into the zombie genre…keeps me on my toes. Back to the story itself. I liked the story despite the obvious absurdity of it. No woman, or man for that matter, would stay around and try to help their loved one control an unbeatable hunger for human flesh. Taking that into account, I had thought about putting a ‘Romance’ tag on this, but decided against it, listening to be better judgment.

The acting was actually really good. This being a Showtime flick, I was surprised! The acting was really right on the money (dirty money) and was believable to boot. Even though the concept was simply ridiculous, the actors managed to pull me into the story and make me feel like I was part of it. When you can do that…you’re a good actor (unlike Tom Cruise…he's a turd).

The gore was something out of a Savini movie. I was very impressed with the gore in this movie and applaud the FX director for his wonderful work. Even though a seasoned veteran such as myself, noticed certain discrepancies, that is beside the point. This movie, actually, won a Chainsaw Award for Best Blood and Gore in an Independent Film last year…so there you have it.

Rating: 18. I wish I could rate it higher but I cannot. The concept just seems almost silly; for a wife to stick by her husband after he becomes one of the flesh-eating undead…come on. I like the ingenuity and wherewithal but just can’t see this concept coming to fruition. But the wonderful gore, oh the gore, and the great acting get the 18 rating.

And just as a side note…if you are a big fan of the zombie genre, lower your standards a bit before viewing this movie. It’s not bad, but it might serve you well. And for those of you who are new to the zombie genre, read my review of the book The Zombie Survival Guide (2003). This text will let you in on all you need to know about the undead. (18of25).

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