Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Gathering (2002)

Director: Brian Gilbert

Writer: Anthony Horowitz

Tagline: Evil Souls Rule.

Actors: Christina Ricci, Ioan Gruffudd, Stephen Dillane, Kerry Fox, Simon Russell Beale, Robert Hardy, Peter McNamara, Mackenzie Crook

Runtime: 1h 32m

Category: Curse, Psychological, Religious, Thriller

Synopsis: During a party out on the hilltops, two kids fall into a crack in the ground. They land inside a 1st century church with a strange depiction of the crucifixion of Christ. Simon Kirkman has been requisitioned by the Catholic Church to study the remains to figure out its origin. During this time, Simon’s wife, Marion, has hit a passing stranger with her car. She brings the girl back to their house to take care of her. But as she walks the town of Ashby Wake she is being followed by a group of strange people. She also starts getting premonitions of horrible things to come and vows to protect Michael, Simon’s son. But she is beginning to realize just how close she and the group of strangers are, and what she was doing in Ashby Wake in the first place.

Review: Knowing nothing about this movie kinda saved it for me. Even though I thought it was good, if I would have known anything about it, it would have not interested me at all. But, this movie surprised me in many ways. Not only was there a great story with some cool plotlines, but the whole ensemble was very well done.

The story was one that surprised me. Although I was able to predict the ending from the time Cassie got hit, I thought that the concept was astounding. It was something new and well thought out. Even the use of old footage from America’s dark times to help aid the investigation was a nice touch. I loved how they incorporated the members of The Gathering into all of the old photos and films. Being a new concept, I was a slight weary at first. I was curious on how the story would progress. The story was able to progress smoothly with minimal interference, giving way to a nicely executed plot.

The acting was alright, some typical Ricci acting (it’s ok Christina, I still love you). Not a whole lot to expand on in this area, the acting was just ok, nothing special.

Rating: Above all I thought this movie was pretty good. So…16. I loved the story and concept but the acting was minimal and there was very little blood/gore. So, overall, not bad…just don’t go rushing out to rent it. (16of25).

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