Sunday, July 29, 2007

Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (2006)

Director: Lucifer Valentine

Writer: Lucifer Valentine

Tagline: You will not believe your eyes... or stomach.

Actors: Ameara Lavey, Pig Lizzy, Maja Lee, Princess Pam, Allen Nasty, Hank Skinny

Runtime: 1h 11m

Category: Torture

Synopsis: Chronicling the misadventures of a bulimic stripper turned prostitute, suffering from nightmarish hallucinations. Not much else…

Review: After about thirty seconds of this movie I was immediately bored…and it did not get any better. There was little to no real acting, no real dialog, and no real plot, story, or even concept. The entire movie was the same chick having sex with someone then throwing up. I actually have to say…this may have actually been the worst movie ever made. As an indie film banned from ninety-nine percent of all film festivals, this movie makes me want to take a shower…in sulfuric acid…with a rabid chimpanzee…while on meth…during a herpes outbreak (I don’t have herpes, just f.y.i.). I don’t think there are actual words to describe the level of audacity portrayed in this piece of ocular blasphemy. I was actually offended…not at the content, but at the fact that someone would produce a movie like this to show to other people…it’s just wrong on multiple levels. I would rather have lawn gnomes munch on my testicles for all eternity, than ever torture myself with this dishevelment one more time.

Unfortunately, there was one part of the movie that was ok. The end had some very gruesome scenes of the girl’s throat being slashed, which were not all that bad. The blood use was actually very well done. Other than that…this movie should never be viewed by anyone…ever!

Rating: 1. I have to give props to the blood scenes at the end. Apart from that, nothing was worth seeing. Do not ever watch this film. If I find out you have, I will find you…I will hurt you. That’s a warning. (1of25). So is this...

Do Not See This Movie

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