Friday, July 27, 2007

The Last House on the Left (1972)

Director: Wes Craven

Writer: Wes Craven

Tagline: To avoid fainting, keep repeating "It's only a movie...It's only a movie..."

Actors: Sandra Cassel, Lucy Grantham, David Hess, Fred J. Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, Marc Sheffler, Gaylord St. James, Cynthia Carr

Runtime: 1h 24m

Category: Revenge, Slasher, Torture

Synopsis: Wes Craven directs this cult classic in which two high school girls get kidnapped by escaped convicts while on their way to a concert. The kidnappers force them to act out ludicrous torture methods on each other and perform other acts as well. Mari and Phyllis must escape to save their lives and it seems that their only hope might actually be from one of their captors! When a house is discovered up the hill they all breath a sigh of relief only to find out that the house belongs to none other than...Not gonna ruin this one folks, let me just say this...DON'T MESS WITH DADDY!!

Review: I had been hearing so much about this movie for some time now and was ecstatic when I finally got a chance to sit down and watch it. Throughout the entire movie...get this...I was bored out of my F-ing mind! People call this movie a cult classic, for good reason, but this movie was so slow and boring. Just sick pervs making pretty girls do stupid stuff. I was unimaginably unimpressed and dreadfully disappointed. I'm sure that back in '72 it was scary as hell, which would be a good reason for the warning at the beginning of the movie. The warning states that if the terror overtakes you just keep repeating to yourself, "It's only a movie..." This intro was actually my favorite part o' the whole sha-bang. It had a creepiness you rarely find now-a-days. Today it's mostly who can dish out the most blood, gore, and nudity. Though I love blood and gore, I enjoy the old-school creeps more. They have a less surreal feel to them...they feel more like reality and not cinematic. Anyway, overall I would say that this movie sucked. Sorry Wes, that's just the way the fat kids eat. It wasn't scary, jumpy, or even suspenseful. Gore was minimal and all at the end. Last ten minutes could have been the whole movie and I would have not felt like I had just wasted and hour and a half of my oh-so-valuable time.

Rating: ooooo...not easy. Though I hated it I have to alot the props.

long pause...(not too long cuz I gots shut to do)

Let's go with a woping 12! Remember, anything above a 10 is an honorable mention. I just didn't find it to be a good horror movie. It lacked some of the "must haves" of the horror genre: suspense (at least a little), a good "bad guy", or in this case "guys" (the kidnappers were just pervs, not really scary or menacing), gore (had a bit at the end, half of what saved this movie from being a "lowbie" or a below 10 movie), and a good plot! Not happy with this one, sorry everyone. Movie sucked! Don't bother! (12of25).

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