Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sublime (2007)

Director: Tony Krantz

Writer: Erik Jendresen

Tagline: Maybe... if you spend your life worrying... then the only way that your life will have meaning is if what you fear becomes real.

Actors: Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter, Cas Anvar, Paget Brewster, Jordi Caballero, Thomas Cavanagh, Lilyan Chauvin, Shanna Collins, Katherine Cunningham-Eves, Kyle Gallner, Dan Gerrity, Michael Gregory, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, George Newbern, Bruce Nozick, Michelle Page

Runtime: 1h 20m

Category: Nightmare, Torture

Synopsis: George Grieves is admitted to Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine colonoscopy. Only, when he wakes up, he finds that he has a cut on his abdomen. Worried about a story his friend told him the night before about hospitals doing black-market operations on immigrants, he gets even more worried that the hospital has been doing unnecessary surgeries on him. A chain of events ensues leading him to believe his accusations are correct. But being so drugged up, how does he know what’s real? Can he convince anyone of the things that he has seen?

Review: I was very eager to see this movie since inception. I was so geeked because I thought it was gonna be like a nightmare-hospital or something. Kinda like the opening sequences from House on Haunted Hill (1999); something like that. But that is not what I got. I fretted over this movie for a little more than a day to figure out whether I even liked it or not, let alone how to rate it. The conclusion I came up with was that I thought the movie was ok, but could have been way better.

The story was extremely simple come the end. The entire movie I kept saying to myself, “What?” Most of the movie was just drawn out. There was no climax whatsoever and not a whole lot of action. I think it’s safe to say I was disappointed. I thought that the story, overall, wasn’t that bad, but it was just dragged so far that it got boring. I think it would have made a bestselling book though.

The acting was minimal, mostly just Grieves passing out and finding parts of his body mutilated. There was no real connection to any of the characters. I was just an observer…I hate that. I like to be sucked into the movie by my chest plate. But this movie just kinda poked at me, no real ‘umf’ to speak of.

The cinematography was actually pretty good. I was very pleased with some of the shots. But the gore, if that’s what you can call it, was just blah. I was so disappointed with the gore that I almost turned it off. The only real good gore was at the end when Mandingo was cutting his hands and feet. Effects were just boring.

Rating: 13. I would have rated it lower but I liked the concept and some of the cinematography. Another thing I liked was the constant sense of ominousity throughout the movie; it made the movie seem more real, like this shut could actually happen. But I would not go running out to get it. Make sure you have two hours to waste and then maybe go get it. But I wouldn’t advise against such actions…(13of25).

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