Sunday, July 29, 2007

War of the Dead: Z.E.R.O. - 101 - The Team

Creator: Joe Sena, Michael Disario, Melissa Rubin

Director: Michael Disario, Michael LeGuen

Writer: Michael Disario

Tagline: It is the Third Age of the War of the Dead. Undead outbreaks are the responsibility of the Zombie Emergency Response Operations task force. Every day, the men and women of Z.E.R.O. risk their lives to protect the living from the living dead.

Actors: Don Money, Andrew Roth, Sean David, Dina Cataldi, Lynn Mastio Rice, Maryanne Emerson, Carson Grant

Category: War, Zombie

Synopsis: An elite task force known as Z.E.R.O. has been established to track and destroy members of the living dead. Z.E.R.O. members, Justin, Gellow, Jones, and Tara, are introduced in this teaser trailer for the pilot due to premier in about a month, sources say. This first glimpse of what kind of missions these Z.E.R.O. members undertake is just a preview of what is to come. From what I understand, the actual pilot is supposed to be bloodier…sweet! This is gonna be something to keep and eye on.

Review: THANK YOU…THANK YOU…THANK YOU!!! Finally, an actual zombie TV series! I was so excited to see this teaser, you have no idea. As an avid fan of the zombie horror character, I was expecting quite a bit. Oddly enough, I didn’t get what I asked for. What I got was exactly what I needed. The creator of the series has done some very good homework and some very thorough research on his demographic.

I was expecting to be thrown into some sort of all-out battle between the Z.E.R.O. task force and the zombie host. On the contrary, what happened was, I was introduced to each task force member and how each one operates solo. I was also able to get a feel for each task force member’s personality and how they think. This was something that I was not expecting. Most new zombie (or horror in general) projects start you off inside the catastrophe, and then give you all of the character stats. Not this one: this teaser was not only informative into the lives of each member, it was also extremely hilarious! The creator understood that taking the time to do the “boring” stuff first…and making it funny…will be so much more beneficial in the end.

The task members, another part of the teaser that made me happy, were all unknown actors. Not only were they terrific actors, they made their characters believable. Each actor was able to make me relate, in one way or another, directly to them, almost as if they were every-day Joe’s. But they are not…they are an elite task force trained specifically to handle the zombie outbreak. They are above the police, S.W.A.T., and CIA; I want to be a Z.E.R.O. task force member!

The story alone is absolutely brilliant. I loved how they give a vague background on what’s going on. That leaves their story completely open to any changes that they might think of. This was a wonderful idea by the writers; giving them complete control over the story. The only thing that worries me about this concept is that most writers and directors get a lot of zombie facts wrong.

1. Zombies will eat any living meat, not just human.
2. Zombies are only as capable as the people they once were.
3. No zombie can swim, climb (steep climb), think, or reason.
4. Zombies DO NOT remember anything from their life as a member of the living.

These are all facts that most people overlook. I hope that Michael Disario knows most of this stuff. From what I’ve seen so far this show is gonna be gory, smart, funny, and wonderfully horrific!

Rating: 24. I would have rated it perfect except for the runtime. I would have liked to see more story than a 12+ min. short. Unfortunately, that is all that was made so far. My sources tell me that the pilot is in editing right now and is due out sometime in late April or early May. Apart from the runtime, I thought that pretty much every aspect of this teaser was phenomenal. This is gonna be something huge and I am gonna do whatever I can to help make people aware of its existence. BOOYAH!!! A zombie series! Hell Freakin’ Yeah! (24of25).

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