Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (2005)

Director: David Lee Fisher

Writer: David Lee Fisher, Hans Janowitz, Carl Mayer

Tagline: What force drives a man insane?

Actors: Judson Pearce Morgan, Daamen J. Krall, Doug Jones, Lauren Birkell, Neil Hopkins, William Gregory Lee, Randy Mulkey, Time Winters, Richard Herd

Runtime: 1h 26m

Category: Killer, Psychological

Synopsis: A traveling fair has stopped in the small town of Holstenwall. Along with it comes a shifty fellow named Dr. Caligari. He obtains his permit from the town clerk to operate his sideshow; one featuring a somnambulist named Cesare. The next morning, the town clerk is found dead – murdered! Alan begs his friend Francis to go but, when his future is predicted by the somnambulist, he finds that he only has until dawn to live. Cesare’s prophesy bears fruit as a town-wide manhunt begins for the mysterious killer. All seems calm after a man is captured trying to murder an elderly woman; they believe they have found the killer. That night, Jane, Francis’ fiancée, is attacked and carried off into the sunrise – by none other than Caligari’s Cesare! Can Francis discover the truth about Caligari before it’s too late?

Review: I copied and pasted the synopsis from the 1920 version I reviewed because I could not describe it any better. This film is basically an exact replica of the original film of the same name. I had some high hopes for this considering my elevated admiration for the silent version. Unfortunately I was treated to one of the biggest slaps in the face since they remade House of Wax (1953).

The story was exactly the same. Nothing left out…nothing added. I was basically watching the original over again with very poor acting. I do believe that I was not impressed with anything in this movie but, I must, as an objective critic, continue with the review.

The acting was altogether laughable and sad. I actually wanted to turn it off at one point. Even the guy who played Cesare didn’t do a good job. I think the entire cast missed the mark. The only thing that saved this area from becoming a goose-egg was the absolutely luscious Lauren Birkell. I swear, man, you could bounce quarters off those things in that dress. Damn!

The effects were of yet another low. From what I understand, this film was actually supposed to be an “exact remake” of the original. This was to include the exact sets and backgrounds used by its predecessor. They did just that. The entire movie was shot in front of a green screen so that the backgrounds and sets could actually BE the original ones. I found this to be quite disturbing in a way. They basically took a landmark film and flushed it down the toilet. I was so disappointed that I had contemplated giving up remakes altogether (but not really).

Rating: 3. There is a rating strictly because of the addition to Ms. Birkell to the cast. I think it would be safe to say that she is the only reason to ever torture yourself with this film. I’m so depressed now, I can’t even go on… (3of25).

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