Friday, July 27, 2007

The Incredible Melting Man (1977)

Director: William Sachs

Writer: William Sachs

Tagline: The first new horror creature.

Actors: Alex Rebar, Burr DeBenning, Myron Healey, Michael Alldredge, Ann Sweeny, Lisle Wilson, Cheryl Smith, Julie Drazen

Runtime: 1h 24m

Category: Creature, Sci-Fi

Synopsis: Astronaut Steve West is the only survivor of three on a mission to Saturn. He is exposed to some sort of cosmic radiation where, back on Earth, his flesh begins to literally melt off his bones! Dr. Ted Nelson and General Perry go on the search for their melting friend. Unfortunately, they find him only because he has gone on a killing spree! Now, Ted and Gen. Perry must find Steve before he hurts anyone else!

Review: Another MST3K episode. Between the laughing, I did notice some key features that make this movie contextually scary. Even without the MST3K crew making their hilarious remarks, the movie was funny as hell (Ted Nelson, Ted Nelson)*. But, as I’ve said many times before, I must be objective. The graphics and make-up used in this film were actually quite good. I was surprised to see some of the effects used for this movie. Apart from all the humor I found, the harsh realization is that humanity has never ventured that far into space and we really don’t know what would happen to us that far out there. It is a scary thought, going into space on a ground-breaking mission, only to come back as a monster. Most people fear what they do not understand…and since most of humanity is ignorant…we as a people we should be terrified (Ted Nelson, Ted Nelson)! Another thing that makes this movie creepy is that in one scene a fisherman is enjoying a lax day of fishing when he is attacked by this hideous looking, melting…person. Some of the shots of Steve in this film would make me soil myself if I were to turn around and see him. Overall I would say that this movie wasn’t horrible by any means. But it needs to be taken into context, just like most older movies. Horror movies depict what is scary for the time, thus you get this movie…although it’s a laugh-fest (Ted Nelson, Ted Nelson).

Rating: 10. I would have rated it lower but the concept was pretty good and the effects were nice. The dialog was campy and the acting was, needless to say, minimal. The plot was good but the execution was not. The movie seemed to drag a lot and most of the “scary” parts were almost to dark to even see. I think, to budget, they cut out the guy who did the lighting, because I have never seen a movie that lacked so much in that area…it’s almost like they said “screw it.” Anyway, catch the MST3K episode (ep. 704) if you want…just warning you…it’s freakin’ awesome (Ted Nelson, Ted Nelson)! (10of25).

*One of the lines used in the MST3K episode. It seemed like, in the movie said his name every few seconds. They started saying his name in sync with the “creepy” background music. Funny as hell!

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